
121-150 of 273 results, sorted by relevance | sort by date
Slow Money Austin Celebrates Earth Day
Connecting the green dreams of Slow Food champions to financiers
"...Bona Dea: a gluten-free bakery dedicated to tasty treats sold in..."

April 19, 2013 Food Feature by Jessi Cape

Oliver Stone’s movie is volatile, nasty, hypnotic, gory, and nearly irrestible – at least when the young 'uns aren't onscreen.
"...a bargaining tool. Travolta complicates things as a crooked DEA official whose hairline is receding as rapidly as his..."

July 6, 2012 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

Casa de mi Padre
Will Ferrell commits 100% to this goofy, all-Spanish-language soap opera-cum-horse opera.
"...and are not so much repetitive as unvaried. The drug-dealing plot (which also includes Nick Offerman as a U.S...."

March 16, 2012 Movie Review by Marjorie Baumgarten

Civics 101
Calendar of civic events, Oct. 27-Nov. 4
"...Cornerstone Church (1101 Rein­li) and Barton Creek Square mall."

Oct. 28, 2011 News Column

Reefer Roundup: 8/12/11
It's back! Your dose of drug news has returned
"...Still, Kerlikowske's strategy asserts that the DEA has approved 109 pot researchers to "perform bona fide..."

Aug. 12, 2011 News Post by Jordan Smith

Res Publica
Citizens' calendar, April 29-May 5
"...Reinli; Household Haz­ardous Waste Facility, 2514 Business Center Dr."

April 29, 2011 News Column

Top 10 Joints
The year in drugs
"...ROLLS HER OWN Lawmakers are close to confirming the DEA's longtime acting head, Michele Leonhart, as its new full-time..."

Jan. 7, 2011 News Feature by Jordan Smith

The Daily Hustle: 9/24/10
Spelman, city staff, and lots of drugs
"...staff-recommendation. Calling it a “very limited resolution aimed at dealing with a very limited problem,” Spelman noted that a..."

Sept. 24, 2010 News Post by Wells Dunbar

Res Publica
Citizens' calendar, Sept. 23-30
"...this city-sponsored event. 10am-2pm. Austin Cornerstone Church, 1101 Reinli. Sunday26..."

Sept. 24, 2010 News Feature

The Daily Hustle: 9/20/10
Unpacking items from council
"...Chris Riley) This item seemingly would make the upcoming DEA drug take-back (happening this Saturday, Sept. 25) a local,..."

Sept. 20, 2010 News Post by Wells Dunbar

Reefer Madness: The Great Capitol Hemp Heist
See what happens when you try to separate a hemp lobbyist from his inner woody hurd fibers?
"...or hemp-containing products is not illegal (even though the DEA tried to make it so in 2001, a move..."

Sept. 4, 2009 News Column by Jordan Smith

Hemp Hemp Hoorah!
Oregon poised to be ninth state legalizing hemp farming
"...But facts have never stopped the DEA from standing in the way of this agricultural enterprise..."

July 1, 2009 News Post by Jordan Smith

Legalize Hemp Now
Federal lawmakers will again file hemp legalization bill
"...reintroduce hemp farming, but have been stymied by the DEA, which seems intent on stopping the practice. North Dakota..."

March 14, 2009 News Post by Jordan Smith

Holder Says Ban on Medi-Pot Raids is U.S. Policy
During joint presser with DEA head, AG Holder says ban is policy
"...actually a joint presser with none other than the DEA's Leonhart, who was there to announce the results of..."

March 2, 2009 News Post by Jordan Smith

Tell the U.S. Department of Justice to Leave Medi-Pot Patients Alone
NORML wants to make sure Holder will keep President Barack Obama's campaign promises
"...President-elect Obama said numerous times during his campaign that DEA raids on individuals legally qualified to use medical cannabis..."

Jan. 13, 2009 News Post by Jordan Smith

NoDak Hempsters Moving Forward
"...far been unable to do so. They've sued the DEA and are waiting for a ruling from the 8th..."

Dec. 9, 2008 News Post by Jordan Smith

NoDak Officials Urge Feds to Acknowledge Benefits of Hemp
NoDak officials urge Congress to get DEA hip to industrial hemp
"...hemp,” and HCR 3042, “urging Congress to direct the [DEA] to differentiate between industrial hemp and marijuana” – heaven..."

Feb. 14, 2007 News Post by Jordan Smith

Paul Files Legislation to Legalize Hemp Farming
Paul to Congress: Bring back the hemp!
"...challenge to federal narco authority over the purely agricultural endeavor, a challenge NoDak’s hempsters are ready to take to..."

Feb. 14, 2007 News Post by Jordan Smith

Mucho 'Carne Asada' in the War on Drugs
"...and on to then Attorney General John Ashcroft, and DEA head Karen Tandy – the official reaction was merely..."

Dec. 8, 2006 News Post by Jordan Smith

Reefer Madness
'Hemp for Farming' and Acronym Antics
"...or deny, farmers to sow industrial hemp. And the DEA -- which, as far as Weed Watch can discern,..."

Oct. 27, 2006 News Column by Jordan Smith

Weed Watch
Stoner-culture icon in Austin Friday to read from his first book, penned straight from the pen
"...In February 2003, Chong's home was raided by the DEA as part of a taxpayer-financed sting operation, coyly dubbed..."

Aug. 18, 2006 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Weed Watch
FDA says idea that marijuana has any medicinal value is hoax
"...and Drug Administration have spoken: The strange and silly idea that marijuana has any medicinal value is a hoax;..."

May 5, 2006 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Transporter 2
For all its gimmicky mayhem, Transporter 2 is an improvement over the original, completely setting aside such yawn-inducing cinematic standbys as a romantic interest and realism.
"...twice daily ferrying the precocious offspring of Modine’s high-level DEA official to a Miami Beach Montessori school. When the..."

Sept. 9, 2005 Movie Review by Marc Savlov

Naked City
Although the U.S. House of Representatives rejected a measure that would ban the DOJ from using taxpayer money to arrest, jail, and prosecute medi-pot patients in compliance with state law, the number of reps voting in favor of the Hinchey-Rohrabacher amendment is growing. Also, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act makes its debut.
"...all hemp farming ventures – and so far the DEA has only issued a single hemp farming license, which..."

June 24, 2005 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Naked City
California lawmaker tries to legalize industrial hemp, but DEA still has reefer madness
", the report notes, but is regulated by the DEA, which is tasked with reviewing individual requests to grow..."

March 4, 2005 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Our readers talk back.
"...Dear Editor,..."

Feb. 11, 2005 Column

Medical Pot Bill
"...Dear Editor, I urge all Texans to support HB 658,..."

Feb. 8, 2005 Postmarks

Top 10 Drug-War Stories
Struggling against the hysteria
"...Policy Project's medi-pot candidate scorecard by pledging to end DEA-led raids on medi-pot patients. In Oregon, Kerry said the..."

Jan. 7, 2005 News Feature

The Supremes Take a Hit
The federalist smoke from medical marijuana reaches the Supreme Court. Can they clear the air on states' rights, pot, and the Constitution?
"...2002, after spying her plants during a helicopter fly-over, DEA agents raided Monson's home. Although both the Butte Co...."

Dec. 10, 2004 News Feature by Jordan Smith

Weed Watch: Oh, All Right, Eat the Hemp
Feds give up three-year effort to ban foods with hemp seeds and oil
"...than flushing over $200,000 down the drain battling pointless DEA hysteria," he said...."

Oct. 8, 2004 News Feature by Jordan Smith

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