The Austin Chronicle

Now Streaming in Austin: "Pick-Ups"

William B. Goss' short makes an airborne debut

By Richard Whittaker, July 26, 2019, Screens

There aren't many forums for short films – festivals, the occasional special screening, maybe hope to stand out from the crowd on YouTube or Vimeo. Austin filmmaker William B. Goss has managed to find a very special, if slightly captive, audience: All this month, his short "Pick-Ups" is available to passengers in the seatback entertainment system for every Alaska Airlines flight.

It's part of a package curated by the Seattle International Film Festival, and news of its inclusion hit Goss – pardon the pun – out of the blue. The local shorts director (and former Chronicle film critic) submitted the one-shot romantic comedy to SIFF in 2018, and it got rejected. However, earlier this year, he said, "Their programmer reached out and said, 'Even though we didn't select your film last year for the festival, we're curating a short film channel for Alaska Airlines, and we're curious about whether you'd be willing to make it available for the month of July.'"

Goss called its inclusion "flattering and unexpected, and it came with a modest stipend which, by default, makes it the most profitable film I've made." As for why SIFF changed their mind, he described it as more suitable for general audiences than some of his films. "There's no sex or violence, so no kid is going to accidentally see it and be scarred for life."

If you’re not on an Alaskan Airlines flight this July, catch all of Goss’ shorts at

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