The Austin Chronicle

Short Cuts

By Marc Savlov, October 26, 2001, Screens

HTML Does Not Stand For Hate That Maniac 'Laden: Or does it? If you've got an e-mail inbox, chances are that since Sept. 11 it's been deluged by not only ill-conceived hoaxes and warnings (hey, there, Tourist Guy!) but also by links to hastily cobbled together humor sites featuring the likes of "Whack-a-Bin-Laden" and similar desperate attempts to lighten the national mood. That's not a bad thing, I guess, but we all know there's more to the Web than cheap shots at even cheaper targets. With that in mind, South By Southwest Interactive 2002 has announced they're now taking submissions for their annual Web site competition, which "recognizes the world's most exciting up-and-coming URLs in more than 20 different categories." Entries must be postmarked by the final deadline of Dec. 1, 2001, to be considered, entry fees are $15/individual, $30/business, and only sites launched in the calendar year 2001 are eligible for entry. A complete list of categories, judging criteria, and the official entry form are available online at If you missed the love fest that was the premiere of Richard Linklater's new film Waking Life at the Paramount Theatre last week, take heart -- the unstoppable Mr. Linklater will be premiering his other new film, Tape, starring Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke, and Robert Sean Leonard, on Monday, Nov. 12, 7pm, again at the Paramount (713 Congress). Following the screening will be a Q&A with Linklater and the cast. Tickets are currently available at the Austin Film Society's totally revamped and interactive Web site,, by calling Star Tickets at 469-SHOW, or in person at the Paramount box office, Monday-Friday, noon to 5:30pm. Tickets are $20/non-AFS members, $15/AFS members, with a premium party package available (for $150) by calling the AFS direct at 322-0145 or, again, on their Web site. All proceeds will go to benefit the Texas Filmmakers' Production Fund... And don't forget about the Chron's mini-film fest/food extravaganza Eat Drink Watch Movies. The event pairs local restaurants with food-themed films, all to be shown at the ever-fabulous Alamo Drafthouse. The five-days-long affair starts Nov. 1 -- buy tickets now, online, at

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