The Austin Chronicle

Cheap and Easy Upgrades

August 14, 1998, Screens

Here's a quick tip on pricing upgrades. Check Price Watch,, for the lowest prices available. Even if you don't want to mail or phone order, this will give you a good way to compare deals available locally. If you do mail, phone, or Web order, you won't pay local sales tax. Odds are next-day shipping is less than sales tax. Don't expect much in the way of service or tech support, though.

  • Evergreen 486 to Pentium Upgrade, $80 to $100
  • Diamond Monster 3D graphics accelerator, under $100
  • New speakers, $10 to $200, depending on brand and options
  • Memory, generally under $1 per meg of RAM
  • DVD drive, starting at $100
  • CD ROM drive (24x or faster), from $20
  • Windows 98, about $90
  • Ergonomic keyboard, from $29
  • New mouse, from $10
  • Top quality game joystick, about $60
  • Surge protector, from $5
  • Backup power supply, from $50

-- J.A.

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