The Austin Chronicle


Site Specific

November 3, 1995, Screens

KEYE-TV42 has launched what they claim to be Austin's first television Web site at But the folks at Texas Student Media station KVR-9 would have to challenge that statement since they've been online since November, 1993. In May of this year, the station publicly announced the site's ability for 24-hour online broadcasting, a far cry from their original gopher site which evolved into the Web site in June, 1994. Located at, KVR-9 displays CU-See Me technology (audio/video conferencing software), allowing the viewer to actually watch studio broadcasts, turning the computer, in essence, into a television (after downloading the software). KVR-InterneTV carries the alternative music video programming of Canada's Much Music; Cyberia, a series of computer generated animations; and the locally produced Austin Music Network. The recent broadcast of President Clinton's UT speech on race relations can also be currently viewed. Check the site for program scheduling. Despite the CBS affiliate's wrongful claim and newfound promotional flash, K*EYE-TV42's site pales in comparison -- remaining both understated and under construction... Both cable channel AM-15 ( and ACTV (http:// ~ACTV) have their own Web sites, as well... The Delta-9 Web site at is an invaluable source for filmmakers, screenwriters, and independent film enthusiasts. Created by independent filmmaker Tommy Pallotta and named after his production company, Delta-9 was born out of need. While working on his own film The High Road, Pallotta became frustrated by the difficulty in obtaining local industry information and vowed to bring together all local film sources in one place. That he did. The site's regional slant has portions devoted to the Austin Film Society, production personnel and local updates, a notice board featuring all types of film-related announcements and group meetings, in-depth listings of screenwriting and film contests and grants, and provides the Net's only independent movie house page. Pallotta admits that his film has kept him from paying recent attention to the site, but check back in a couple of weeks for a complete update and some new databases. Use this incredible source as frequently as I do -- but please still read my column.

Sight of the Iguana

Austinite Karen Dinitz is coming home this weekend, riding shotgun in artist Bob "Daddy-O" Wade's giant airstream iguana and documenting as she goes. Wade, best known in Austin for his fish-head sculpture at Chuy's, is on tour through Texas promoting his autobiography. With the Austin Film Society as her umbrella, Dinitz is producing and directing the project -- a sort of portrait of the artist on a road trip. The entourage will be appearing Friday, 6pm, at the Austin Museum of Art at Laguna Gloria.

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