The Austin Chronicle

Significant Dates in Austin Zero Waste History

November 14, 2014, News

2001: Texas Campaign for the Environment targets waste and recycling.

2005: City signs U.N. Urban Environmental Accords

2008: Single-stream recycling introduced in Austin.

2009: City adopts Zero Waste Strategic Plan; formation of Austin Zero Waste Alliance and Central Texas Zero Waste Alliance; diversion rate jumps to 36% in FY 2009.

2010: City hires Bob Gedert to lead Solid Waste Services Department.

2011: Solid Waste Services Department renamed "Austin Resource Recovery" (September); adoption of Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan (December).

2012: ARR neighborhood survey reflects 72% residential participation in recycling, with 60% of potential household recyclables actually being recycled. The largest commercial properties are required to recycle; smaller properties added each October.

2015: Austin diversion target is 50%.

2017: All commercial properties (including apartments) are required to provide recycling.

2018: All food service businesses are required to divert organic material.

2040: Austin target year for "Zero Waste."

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