Civics 101

Ashes to ashes, Christmas trees to Dillo Dirt: Help your year start fresh with compost classes


CHARTER REVISION COMMITTEE Double the fun with a discussion on single-member districts. 6:30pm. Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, 600 River.


ZILKER TREE RECYCLING Too attached to leave your tree out by the curb? Drop it off at Zilker Park today or tomorrow and wish it well in its new life as Dillo Dirt. 10am-2pm. Zilker Park, 2100 Barton Springs Rd.

BRICK BY BRICK COMMUNITY BUILDING Start building bridges by joining this discussion on unity among the races. Free. 9-11:30am. St. James Episcopal Church, 1941 Webberville Rd.



CANDLELIGHT VIGIL for victims of gun violence on the anniversary of the Tucson, Ariz., shooting that injured U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and a dozen others. 7-8pm. South steps of the Capitol.


COMPOST CLASS Austin Resource Recovery hosts the first in a series of free composting classes. Go online to sign up and learn more about valuable rebate offers on compost start-up kits. 6:30-7:30pm. Cepeda Branch Library, 651 N. Pleasant Valley.


FOUNDATION COMMUNITIES is recruiting volunteers to help low-income residents with income tax preparation, in partnership with the Austin Housing Finance Corporation and the city of Austin. Apply at

TRAVIS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT is taking applications from individuals to serve on the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, effective Feb. 2. Qualified applicants should have "exceptional vision, business and administrative skills, and a history of community involvement." The application deadline is Jan. 13. Call or email Max Jones at 854-4774 or [email protected].

DEEP EDDY CONSTRUCTION The portion of the Lady Bird Lake Hike & Bike Trail between the MoPac pedestrian bridge and Eilers Park will be closed through March 15 for construction at Deep Eddy Pool.

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May your blood-giving and tree-recycling be unrelated

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citizens' calendar, Charter Revision Committee, Christmas tree recycling, candlelight vigil, Tucson shooting, Gabrielle Giffords, compost

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