The Austin Chronicle

From the Speaker Blotter

By Nick Barbaro, December 9, 2011, News

City Council comes back from a meeting hiatus Thursday, with a huge agenda and just one more meeting this year, on Dec. 15. Before the meaty afternoon agenda and executive session, however, comes the noontime Citizen Communications.

So, what's on people's minds on this crisp December day? Here's the lineup of speakers, and what they say they'll be talking about.

Linda Greene: "Why does City Council practice medicine without a license by fluoridating our water?"

Christopher Ringstaff: "Code variance granted to developer critically damages Heritage Oaks."

Kourtney de Haas: Update from Austin Rowing Club on logistics and construction effects and Waller Creek boathouse construction site

Debbie Russell: "The buck stops here."

Paul Robbins: City issues

Richard Franklin: The police chief doing the right thing in firing a police officer.

Carlos León: TBA

Karen Bartoletti: "I will be giving an update on the Austin Rowing Club negotiations for the Waller Creek boathouse."

Mary Arnett: Neighborhood Watch signage

Dennis Paddie: The Prophecy of Peace mandala in council chambers confer­ence room hallway

See the entire City Council agenda at

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