The Austin Chronicle

Back to (Informal) School

By Richard Whittaker, September 3, 2010, News

Informal classes are back! After the University of Texas at Austin's Butler School of Music announced its first round of noncredit courses open to the general public (see "No More Cutting Class," Aug. 20), the Division of Continuing & Innovative Education has announced the additional courses it will be making available this fall through the existing Life Enrichment program of the Thompson Conference Center. The original informal classes program, offered through the Texas Union, was canceled earlier this year due to budget constraints. "A new informal program presented in the spirit of the former Informal Classes is highly consistent with our mission," said Judy Ashcroft, dean of Continuing & Innovative Education, "and I look forward to growing our portfolio of offerings." The initial wave of classes breaks down into four areas: Active Life, which will offer outdoor pursuits such as kayaking and walking tours; beginners' art classes drawn together under the banner Creative Life; career development skills through Business and Personal Life; and Culture and Travel, which kicks off its limited offerings with beginning French and Spanish. Registration and information will be available starting Sept. 7 at

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