The Austin Chronicle

Norwood Moves Forward

By Katherine Gregor, April 30, 2010, News

On April 28, the first bit of progress began on restoration of the Norwood House, a crumbling city-owned historic home built in 1922. "This roof work has been made possible through the generosity of community residents, who have donated through the Austin Parks Foundation," said Wolf Sittler of the Norwood Posse volunteer group. "We were not able to get one roll of roofing felt from the Parks Department." Sierra Contracting Corporation and Jenkins Environmental Consulting provided their services at reduced rates. Next, volunteers will patch the holes and install a temporary vinyl cover to protect what's left of the Arts & Crafts-style bungalow. "It is our hope," said Sittler, "that more people will see that progress is possible and will get on board to help us." City Council recently endorsed Norwood Posse's efforts to save the structure, which sits on a Travis Heights bluff above Lady Bird Lake. The group hopes to raise at least $300,000 for a full restoration. Posse members are engaged with the city Parks Depart­ment to determine how the restored house might serve the community as a rentable facility. "Our conservative projections for Norwood House point to an annual income of $50,000," said Sittler. "The sooner it becomes operational, the sooner it will produce income." See

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