The Austin Chronicle

(Even Further) Beside the Point

Auld Lang ... Sigh

By Wells Dunbar, January 11, 2008, News

It's fun to throw on your new duds, compare holiday hauls, and break the cabin fever, but let's face facts: First days back are always a drag, right?

The city manager search may have rung in the new year, but City Council still parties on, noisemakers in hand. The Jan. 10 meeting – the first in four weeks – features a long, workmanlike agenda, long on nondescript consent items and zoning minutiae and short on flashy council initiatives. The only substantive item from the dais is Brew­ster McCrack­en's Austin Parking Enter­prise, where the city (counter-?) intuitively channels its coin from operating garages into pedestrian-oriented amenities like walking trails and transit hubs. In delaying the measure from Decem­ber, McCracken promised a presentation and greater explanation of the program – so let's have it. Other items from council include a kick-start to Gus Garcia Park and making the lumps-of-coal-consuming Trail of Lights carbon neutral "as soon as possible."

Aside from a clutch of vertical mixed-use opt-ins from different neighborhoods and planning areas (Judges' Hill, Old West Austin, Bouldin, Daw­son, Galindo, and Greater South River City), most of the action is reserved for future meetings. For its Thursday, Jan. 31, meeting, council is set to schedule public hearings on mobile food-establishment rules (né Taco Wars Redux), affordable-housing development incentives, and residential space in mixed-use buildings; CWS Capital Partners' Waterfront Variance denial appeal is scheduled for Feb. 14. Will it be a luxe-condo love-in? Or the Valentine's Day Massacre?

It's always New Year's Eve at [email protected].

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