The Austin Chronicle

We Had a Little Plan ...

By Amy Smith, December 3, 2004, News

Three planning groups are studying the effects that future growth would have on the environmentally sensitive terrain of western Travis and northern Hays counties, where the Lower Colorado River Authority wants to extend its water utility reach. The LCRA board is scheduled to consider the first phase of a proposed water plan – building a pipeline along Hamilton Pool Road – at a special meeting at 2pm Tuesday, Dec. 7, at the Terrace Club, 2600 U.S. 290 W., 11 miles west of the 290/Highway 71 split in Oak Hill. Given the upcoming vote – before the completion of the planning work – pipeline opponents question whether the Authority intends to pay more than lip service to the recommendations of the groups, which include:

Regional Water Quality Planning Project

This is the largest of the three efforts, and involves drawing up uniform development and environmental protection standards for all municipalities within the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer. Planning leaders hope to submit a final proposal to government officials by February. Stakeholders have asked the LCRA to delay action until a regional plan is in place for the area. Hays Co. resident Terry Tull is the group's full-time executive director.

Southwest Travis Co. Growth Dialog Process

Formed this summer, this stakeholder panel is charged with soliciting input and making recommendations on development and its effects on roads in the unincorporated areas of southwest Travis County. County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty, who has largely been supportive of growth in the area, is leading the group. Joe Lessard, a planning consultant and former Austin city manager, is the group's facilitator.

Hamilton Pool Road Community Forum

The LCRA board called for the formation of this group when it first delayed its pipeline vote in May. Consultant Dr. Juli Fellows has been retained to lead the group.

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