The Austin Chronicle


Austin Community College Board of Trustees Place 6 run-off

June 18, 2004, News

Veronica Rivera

There's an election Saturday, June 19. Our first and second choices for the open ACC board position, Guadalupe Sosa and Rodney Ahart, got hammered in the first round, so we're feeling a little gun-shy in endorsing attorney Rivera in the run-off. But Rivera, who began her career as a schoolteacher, has solid political and educational credentials for the job, has been involved with Austin schools at all levels, and has shown a dedication to public service that should get a real test in helping to restore confidence and institutional respect to the new ACC administration. Rivera is opposed by Marc Levin, currently a staff attorney for lame-duck Texas Supreme Court Justice Steven Wayne Smith, of Hopwood infamy – and Levin's own background is most directly associated with his virulent campaigns against affirmative action as a UT student and leader of the hard-right Young Conservatives of Texas. Levin insists he has matured since his (recent) student days, but his position on affirmative action remains unchanged, and we remain unpersuaded that Levin belongs in the leadership of a public institution committed to equal educational opportunity for all. Please vote Saturday – the folks at ACC need our support. (For more info, see


The Austin Community College run-off election is Saturday, June 19, 7am-7pm. Balloting will be conducted throughout the city, but many of the usual precincts have been combined, so go to or call 223-7008 to find your polling place and other information.

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