The Austin Chronicle

Your Questions, Comments, and Concerns ...

August 8, 2003, News

The entire FY 2004 proposed city budget -- the transmittal letter, the 600-page executive summary, and the even more massive detailed performance plan -- is available on the city's Web site at . Hard copies are also available at all 22 Austin Public Library locations, and you can get a CD-ROM version from the city Public Information Office ([email protected], 974-2220). Also available online are the city's long-range financial forecast, its latest customer survey, and a running list of questions and answers about the budget submitted by council members and, city staff says, from citizens as well.

Budget hearings are scheduled at 6pm during the City Council meetings throughout August. Today (Aug. 7), discussion will focus on public safety; next week (Aug. 14) on social and community services (health, parks, libraries); and on Aug. 28, on environmental and development services. (Utility rates are set for the Aug. 14 agenda.) As always, the budget will then be approved at three consecutive special called City Council meetings, set for Sept. 8, 9, and 10.

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