The Austin Chronicle

Campaign Finance: Take the Money and Hide

By Amy Smith, April 11, 2003, News

Given the fact that the GOP gained full control of the Lege this session under questionable campaign finance circumstances that are currently the target of a grand-jury investigation, campaign finance reform advocates aren't exactly betting the farm on bills that would establish tougher restrictions. And that's not to say Democrats aren't squeamish about these bills either. Both sides stand to lose financial support under SB 1616 (Rodney Ellis), which would essentially keep corporate or union money out of campaigns for 60 days before an election. The bill currently languishes on life support in State Affairs. There is, however, a reasonable amount of bipartisan support for SB 649, the "Show Us the Money" bill filed by Sen. Eliot Shapleigh, D-El Paso, which would require disclosure of a contributor's occupation and employer. (No public hearing scheduled.) Meanwhile, reform advocates are relatively optimistic about Rep. Steve Wolens' HB 1606, which seeks (in conjunction with HB 795) to strengthen the powers of the Texas Ethics Commission. "A lot of serious work is being done on the bill with a lot of input from reformers and others who are interested in reform," said Fred Lewis, executive director of Campaigns for People. The bill is expected to be voted out of committee on Monday, April 14.

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