The Austin Chronicle

Chronicle Endorsements

March 29, 2002, News

The Chronicle issues election endorsements only in those races where we believe our opinion may serve our readers and make a difference. We urge all our readers to vote in the primary of their choice. Early voting for the Democratic and Republican runoffs in Travis County run Monday through Friday, April 1-5. Election day is Tuesday, April 9. (For more election news, see p.16.)

U.S. Senate (Democrat): Ron Kirk

As we wrote here earlier, the candidacy of former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk represents a historical payback for the Democratic Party's often cynical reliance on African-American voters as an unwavering base. If the party is to have any hope of not only winning in November but beginning its own reconstruction at the grass roots, it needs to feed those roots -- and in a way that directly acknowledges the state's history.

Moreover, the primary campaign has reinforced our suspicion that Victor Morales believes political amateurism is its own reward. Although they differ on some matters, Kirk and Morales are not far apart on most issues. But absent either party support or an independent movement, Morales cannot win in November -- and should he be the "Democratic" nominee, he makes it virtually certain that John Cornyn will assume a drearily Phil Gramm-like reign in Washington. Once again: If you want to help build a Democratic ticket that not only reflects the real Texas, but actually has a chance to represent it -- vote for Ron Kirk.

Texas House of Representatives, District 51 (Democrat): Eddie Rodriguez

We still wish we didn't have to choose between Rodriguez and Lulu Flores; Austin and Texas would be well-served by having both these candidates in the Legislature. We think both of them would admirably serve the interests of Dist. 51.

However, the winner of the race will also be filling the shoes of Glen Maxey, one of the most striking success stories of modern Texas politics, a legislator who admirably served both the interests of Dist. 51 and of Austin, as well as the larger progressive agenda. Indeed, Dist. 51 has benefited from Maxey's across-the-board effectiveness, as do all districts represented by influential legislators. The voters appear to have been quite satisfied with Maxey's performance. So we have to ask of these two candidates: Who will better fill the void Maxey's retirement leaves in the House? To that question, we feel Rodriguez is the better answer.

The fact that Rodriguez has been Maxey's chief of staff and has Maxey's endorsement, though important, does not alone settle the issue. But we see in Rodriguez the same combination of drive, flexibility, and unquestioned commitment to the needs of those in need, and it's also clear that Maxey is Rodriguez's model of an effective public servant. He's one of our exemplars, too. So in this tough race, we believe Eddie Rodriguez deserves your vote.

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