The Austin Chronicle

Naked City

Speaking of U.S. Terrorists ...

By Lee Nichols, September 14, 2001, News

The Nowar Collective, a local group of pacifist activists, held a "community discussion" on the UT campus last night regarding Tuesday's terrorist attacks. That's past our deadline, but we'd like to relate the perspective on "terrorism" they provide in the meeting announcement. It's one that few media outlets in the United States are likely to inject into their coverage: "The Nowar Collective deeply deplores this horrible act, and sympathizes with the families of all those affected. We condemn all indiscriminate terror attacks, whether the recent ones on commercial planes and the World Trade Center, the saturation bombing of Basra and Baghdad during the Gulf War (including deliberate targeting of water treatment and power generation systems), the destruction of Serbia by NATO, the continuing attacks on Iraq by the U.S. and the U.K., the invasion of Panama with massive shelling of civilian areas, or the campaigns of murder, rape, and torture carried out by the U.S.-backed contras in Nicaragua and the U.S.-backed death squads in El Salvador."

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