The Austin Chronicle

The Rest of the Top 25

April 20, 2001, News

11. United Nations Corporate Partnerships -- A Human Rights Peril (Kenny Bruno, Dollars and Sense; Danielle Knight, Multinational Monitor)

12. Cuba Leads the World in Organic Farming

(Hugh Warwick, Third World Resurgence; Alison Auld, Sustainable Times; Stephen Zunes, Designer/Builder)

13. The World Trade Organization Is an Illegal Institution (Michel Chossudovsky, Covert Action Quarterly)

14. Europe Holds Companies Environmentally Responsible, Despite U.S. Opposition (Joel Bleifuss, In These Times)

15. Gerber Uses the WTO to Suppress Laws that Promote Breastfeeding (Peter Montague, Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly; Robert Weissman, Multinational Monitor)

16. Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically Specific Bioweapens (Roy Blake, Washington Free Press; Greg Bishop, Konformist; Robert Lederman, North Coast Xpress)

17. IMF and World Bank Staff Tightly Connected to New Yugoslav Government (Michel Chossudovsky and Jared Israel, Emperor's New Clothes; Christian Parenti, San Francisco Bay Guardian)

18. Indigenous People Challenge Private Ownership and Patenting of Life (Kimberly Wilson, GeneWatch)

19. U.S. Using Dangerous Fungus to Eradicate Coca Plants in Colombia (Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, CounterPunch; Ed Vulliamy, London Observer)

20. Disabled Most Likely to be Victims of Serious Crime (Dan Sorensen, Tash Newsletter)

21. U.S. Military Bombing Range Destroys Korean Village Life (Karen Talbot,

22. U.S. Government Repressed Marijuana-Tumor Research (Raymond Cushing,

23. Very Small Levels of Chemical Exposures Can Be Dangerous (Stephen Lester, Everyone's Backyard; Frances Cerra Whittelsey, In These Times)

24. Pentagon Seeks Mega-Mergers Between International Arms Corporations (Federation of American Scientists, Arms Sales Monitor)

25. Community Activists Outsit McDonald's (McLibel Support Campaign, A-Infos New Service)

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