Naked City


Naked City
By Doug Potter

With Kirk Watson's resignation now timed (by the rumor mill) for June, it's time for Austin's would-be potentates to take another swing at the Mayor-o-Meter! This fascinating device, using the latest advances in next-big-thing technology, knows all, sees all, and tells no lies. Let's see how the contestants stack up now!

Jackie Goodman: Still Sailing

If it happens, the reinvention of the Planning Commission would be yet more evidence that the Quiet One can get things done.

Beverly Griffith: In the Headlights

The Anyone-but-Bev list now includes downtown developers (after her hard-ass stance on the Four Seasons park fee) and friends of APD, including No. 1 cop fan Mike Levy.

Robin Rather: Past the Buzz

Can a "tech candidate," even one as broadly based as Rather, get anywhere during the industry's hour of need? Tech may end up sitting this round out.

Daryl Slusher: Staying Put

With Goodman up and Griffith down, the need for Slusher to save the city is shrinking. Look for Daryl to bust term limits (as provided by law) by petitioning to stay in his seat in 2002.

Will Wynn: Maybe This Time?

Once thought too green (though not too Green) to be mayor so soon; but folks who just can't wrap their heads around Mayor Goodman are singing the council rookie's praises.

Lynn Sherman: Huh?

Talk of an old-style Chamber candidate, which Sherman would presumably be, has quieted down tremendously. Or maybe they're still in denial about losing Kirk Watson.

Mark Tschurr: Yeah, Right

See above, under Rather, re: tech money and muscle. A council run isn't out of the question, though.

Mike Levy: No Ross Perot

Boy, did our comparison of Levy to the Texarkana Twerp bug the Texas Monthly publisher! Disclaims any electoral ambitions -- he'd rather squash Bev like a bug -- but you never know.

Eric Mitchell: Fat Chance.

No chance of victory -- his televised 1997 Election Night meltdown is a ready-made campaign ad. But with Danny Thomas all palsy-walsy with Griffith, a rerun of the Fresh Prince of Oak Hill would cut into Bev's base.

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