The Austin Chronicle

Contributions by Locale

October 27, 2000, News


(March 6 through Sept. 28)

Total for Period: $1,464,414

In-State = 95%

Top 5 States

Texas: $1,398,014

Virginia: $51,500

D.C.: $6,500

Louisiana: $1,850

Alabama: $1,500

Top 5 Cities

Austin: $471,275

Houston: $305,078

Dallas: $137,975

Washington, D.C.: $50,000

Irving: $48,200


(Jan. 2 through Sept. 28)

Total for Period: $1,239,816

In-State = 84%

Top 5 States

Texas: $1,046,315

D.C.: $179,000

Maryland: $6,000

New York: $4,600

Virginia: $1,500

Top 5 Cities

Beaumont: $290,334

Austin: $240,609

Washington, D.C.: $179,000

Houston: $117,353

Dallas: $75,650

Note: Dates are different for the two candidates because only Staples had a primary.

His report just covers since the primary.

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