The Austin Chronicle

TV Time is Money

May 30, 1997, News

According to the candidates' campaign and expenditure reports, Mitchell has raised almost twice the amount of money as Lewis since the end of the general election -- $64,533 for Mitchell, compared to Lewis' $36,487. But while 20% of Mitchell's contributions came from political action commitees (PACs) such as the Real Estate Council of Austin (RECA) and the Austin Police Association, Lewis received only one $50 PAC contribution, from the Austin Lesbian and Gay Political Caucus.

Most of Lewis' money did, however, come in two large chunks -- $10,000 from Eagles band member and avid environmentalist Don Henley, and $15,000 in a loan from political consultant David Butts. Despite the fact that Lewis received these large donations and a few others -- $1,300 from Electric Utility Commission board member Shudde Fath and $4,500 loan to himself -- most donations to his campaign were under $250. Because of a loophole in the law, Lewis will also receive an $18,000 boost from the city for agreeing to comply with the campaign finance reform law -- which limits single contributions to $500 if all parties in the race agree to comply. Since Mitchell did not sign the pledge, Lewis was free to receive large donations and still benefit from the city's cash incentive.

Not surprisingly, both candidates spent a bundle on commercials during the last reporting period -- April 26 through May 31. Mitchell paid $42,546 to the Davis Group and $4,158 to H&C Political Media. Lewis paid Rindy Media $47,000. It leads one to wonder which kind costs more, commercials of the nasty or the nice variety. -- K.V.

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