The Austin Chronicle

The Austin Bicycle Program has:

May 23, 1997, News

  • installed six miles of new or re-established bike lanes
  • installed five miles of new wide outside lanes
  • installed 906 bicycle parking spaces, with 2,800 more to come
  • adopted and completed Part I of the Bicycle Plan, which includes bicycle-friendly objectives, and is attempting to adopt Part II, which will include creating specific bike routes
  • responded to 710 citizen calls for service or information since September, 1994
  • obtained approximately $2,300,000 in grants for bike projects at various locations around town
  • created about 6,000 safety and information brochures on bicycling
  • organized and coordinated the formation of a bicycle advisory council, a group of enthusiasts and activists to advocate for bike projects
  • organized a volunteer group to help with projects such as installing bike racks or helping with bike counts

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