The Austin Chronicle

Sunday ACL Fest 2018 Record Reviews

Reviewed by Michael Toland, October 5, 2018, Music

Young London quintet Shame sounds like 1978. Guitars balance between distorted and glimmering, a steady rhythm pulse emphasizing repetition, while frontman Charlie Steen comes off like a reformed punk looking for new challenges. Indeed, Shame's circumvention of the 21st century might be a drag if it wasn't so damn good. "Concrete" and "One Rizla" fuse melody, noise, tension, and release as well as anything from the original era, while "The Lick" and "Angie" show a willingness to stomp all over the formula for diversity's sake. If the post-punk revival needs a poster child, Shame is a good choice. (12:15pm, Honda stage; weekend one only)


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