The Austin Chronicle

Summer Jams Clearance Sale, Part 2

Reviewed by Tim Stegall, August 18, 2017, Music

Contemporaries of every hallowed name in Austin's Seventies/Eighties blues boom, Kathy & the Kilowatts understand the form's vocabulary as well as any surviving practitioners. "Call Me Mrs. Blues" and "Read 'Em & Weep" shuffle akin to Lightnin' Hopkins, while the titular opener rocks like the Fabulous Thunderbirds in their hit-making ATX heyday. Then the horn-drenched "Beautiful Moments" hits a stroll-inducing, triplet-driven San Anton­io R&B groove as if these guys listened to nothing but KONO growing up. Kathy Murray purrs like a restrained Wanda Jackson throughout, as Bill Jones oozes enough juicy guitar tones to lube a '57 Cadillac. Let's Do This Thing! is a true master class in Texas blues.


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