Weekend Two Friday ACL Fest Record Reviews

Lincoln Durham

Revelations of a Mind Unraveling (Droog)

Weekend Two Friday ACL Fest Record Reviews

Austin has no shortage of one-man bands, but Lincoln Durham stands apart. He hangs from the same branches of the blues family tree as Scott Biram, his interpretation less about tradition than demonic exorcism. Relying mostly on swirling slide, clattering percussion, and his own liquor 'n' ashes howl, Durham could only arise in a post-alt-rock world. Psychobilly grunge fuels "Bones," "Suffer My Name," and "Rage and Fire and Brimstone." Durham's passion beckons him over the top, but he resists, allowing his tunes to fly on their emotional weight rather than flash. (12:15pm, Tito's Handmade Vodka stage)


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