The Austin Chronicle

SXSW Record Reviews

Reviewed by Neph Basedow, March 18, 2016, Music

The Philadelphians' debut LP carries a salad-days spirit that belies the frontman's 41 years. Ten tracks cram into 26 minutes, standout "Bed Art & Weirdo Ideas" arriving brawny but kempt. The foursome's m.o. emits similar to Dinosaur Jr. in its emotive breed of punk rock as James Alex's guttural vocals warm with the disc's advance. "Too Late to Die Young" pivots tender, acoustic, Alex lamenting, "I ain't ever felt loved." Optimism soon returns: "I swear, right now, I'm all right." Later, "Hard Luck Kid" borrows from the Replacements. Like those presumed influences, People Who Feel Like Us encapsulates an intelligent, outcast air. (Fri., 1am, Sidewinder Outside)


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