The Austin Chronicle

Texas Platters

Reviewed by Michael Toland, February 12, 2016, Music

Reviving the early Nineties before that became a career path, Magnet School cranks and croons like Bill Clinton was still in office. When the Austin quartet emerged, indulgence in six-string sonic wash wasn't yet hip, so their 2007 debut Tonight We Drink... Tomorrow We Battle the Evil at Hand scanned tentative. Released nine years later, sophomore slab The Art of Telling the Truth oozes confidence and command. Coating riffs in a glistening sheen of distortion, axe men Mark Ford and Michael J. Wane emphasize big Catherine Wheel melody over gossamer My Bloody Valentine atmosphere. Singing with plainspoken heart, the pair spears songs over sound. "The Double Agent" and "So Long to the Heavens" soar more than shimmer, giving the LP a power that yanks eyes from shoes. Meaning every note, The Art of Telling the Truth fills the sky.


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