The Austin Chronicle

Texas Platters

Reviewed by Jim Caligiuri, August 12, 2011, Music

Old Gray Mule

Forty Nickels for a Bag of Chips

There's no denying C.R. Humphrey's devotion to Mississippi hill country blues. He's so dedicated, in fact, that for his second LP as Old Gray Mule, the Lockhart-based guitarist went to Delta Recording Services in Como, Miss., the heart of that state's hill country, to work with drummer Kinney Kimbrough, son of the legendary Junior Kimbrough. The liner notes for Forty Nickels brags that every tune on the disc is a first take with no overdubs and that Kimbrough had never heard any of the songs before the recording except for "Issaquena." One could argue whether this makes the results authentic or wankerific, only 10 tunes of repetitive guitar and drum riffs sans vocals settle the score by growing tiresome about halfway through. "Issaquena" does end the set with a potent blast, but too often Forty Nickels sounds like the soundtrack to a Larry Brown book that has yet to be filmed.


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