The Austin Chronicle

SXSW Records


Reviewed by Jim Caligiuri, March 19, 2010, Music

Deadstring Brothers

São Paulo (Bloodshot)

Talk about the Deadstring Brothers always pops up references to the Rolling Stones, Allman Brothers, and Black Crowes. Another of Detroit's finest sound like they were weaned on Exile on Main St and took Eat a Peach as an affirmation to live by. São Paulo, the group's fourth Bloodshot effort, will do nothing to quell such comparisons. While the Deadstrings might come across as a cheap imitation to some, there's enough bloody blues and hard-hearted drive in their songs to sate true believers. Opening with the black cat moan of the title track is a risk they can live with, as the high rev of "Houston" brings things back with a country-rock throb. Former co-lead singer Masha Marjieh even shows up to share the mic with frontman Kurt Marschke on the whiskey bent "Always a Friend of Mine." Original, no, but irresistible nevertheless. (Fri., 11pm, Continental Club.)


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