The Austin Chronicle

Texas Platters

Reviewed by Audra Schroeder, February 12, 2010, Music

The Gary

Logan (Cedar Fever)

On 2009 debut EP Chub, local trio the Gary elbowed out room at the bar, espousing everydude-isms within its own brand of "slop rock." Its full-length debut delivers a slightly more sober version of the Gary. Take opener "QSB," a tangle of thick-stringed downstrokes and sinewy minor keys, under which bassist Dave Norwood laments: "We lose ourselves in broad strokes. We lose ourselves in all folks." On Logan, Norwood's heavy hand plays as much a part as Trey Pool's wiry guitar and drummer Paul Warner's leveling thrash, and all three combine for standouts "(Eyes in the) Tap Room" and the Ezra Pound-referencing "Ancient Music," channeling the Minutemen as much as Dead Moon. The first half-dozen songs are fantastic; the last four don't slouch either, especially "False Sunrise." It's a bit of that tried-and-true Dischord formula: Loud, primitive music can be enlightened as well.


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