The Austin Chronicle

Texas Platters

Reviewed by Darcie Stevens, July 6, 2007, Music

A. Rex

Moving Backwards

In this cruel world of immediacy and complacency, the sophomore slump remains prevalent. Local duo A. Rex isn't immune. Andrew Espinola means every word, and second Andrew Jones keeps time like a pro. What's missing on Moving Backwards is the pizzazz. Opening track "Determined" is college radio from the early Nineties: lo-fi vocals set miles atop musical tracks. Skipping forward to "I'm Not the Only One," a small bit of redemption is found in thick sound and a catchy chorus, but the trite "Rock N Roll" ("I always fall for those punk rock girls, but they're too much for me") and even the country-fried two-step of "So Hard" bring a shudder to a GBV/bar-pop shadow. Not dorky enough to be Weezer and not passionate enough to be emo, A. Rex might have to count on a third chance to put out a better album. *.5

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