The Austin Chronicle

Spotlight: Eels

La Zona Rosa, 7pm

By Andy Langer, March 15, 2002, Music

Austin is the first date of the Eels tour in support of their new DreamWorks release, Souljacker, a fact that leaves mastermind E feeling a bit ambivalent.

"I love Austin," says E. "You walk into Whole Foods and you get this feeling that everyone is happy and free and that you're going to have a good time in Austin. Actually, I never have a good time there, but I feel like I'm going to."

Not surprisingly, E's also dubious about SXSW itself. While it's widely regarded as the ideal spot to launch an album with a March 12 release date, the eccentric frontman isn't a big fan of promotion. "I love to make records," he says, noting he's got four more completed albums in the can. "I just don't like to put them out. That's when all the trouble begins."

Luckily, promoting Souljacker should be a plug 'n' play affair. After three notoriously eclectic albums, it's the Eels' most cohesive and straightforward album to date. And while E doesn't deny it's the most "rock" of his releases, he says his idea of "rock" isn't quite the dictionary definition. "To rock, there has to be maracas shaking and tom-toms banging," he explains. "To me, that's rock."

E credits much of the album's soundcraft to co-producer and noted PJ Harvey collaborator John Parish. While Parish is now officially listed as the Eels' guitarist, the February birth of his daughter has sidelined him for the American tour. Then again, membership in the Eels isn't something you can hang your hat on.

"There is no Eels," states E. "I tried to set myself up for freedom -- the opportunity to do whatever I felt like doing. Why put out the same record over and over?"

And yet, E's not entirely unwilling to play the game a little.

"I could give you a snappy pull-quote," he offers. "How about, 'It's the greatest goddamn record since Sgt. Pepper -- the Movie.' Make sure you get 'The Movie' part in there or I'll really look like an asshole."

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