The Austin Chronicle

Cautiously Optimistic

Fifteen Hopefuls Make Up Austin's Musical Class of 2001

By Andy Langer, January 19, 2001, Music

Bob Schneider

Title: Lonelyland

Label: Universal

Release Date: March 13

Him Again?: Thirteen months ago, Bob Schneider delivered his Lonelyland album to one store, in one city: Waterloo Records. Nearly 15,000 copies and three KGSR singles later, Universal Records will re-release the album in March to many stores in many cities.

"When I brought the first box to Waterloo a year ago, I told them I thought we were going to sell a bunch of these records," says Schnieder. "Did I think it would be No. 1 most of the year and fall to No. 2 or No. 3 a few weeks the entire time it was out? I had no idea."

What's Different?: "It's exactly the same record with different artwork." There's been discussion of adding a bonus disc to the Austin-bound copies, however.

Expectations: Naysayers like to contend Schneider is an Austin and/or live phenomenon with little chance of building up a similarly loyal national fanbase, but he says KGSR has already helped him prove otherwise: "I meet people all the time that say they're never seen me play but have bought the record and love it."

Where to Find Him: Although first single "Metal & Steel" shipped to AAA radio last week, he'll soon resume his longtime Monday Saxon Pub and Tuesday Antone's residencies, using the rest of the week for solo acoustic radio-stations tours: "We'll bring the band to cities where it's added, play for people that might have heard it, and try to get them excited enough to tell a friend."

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