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TELEVISION: June 9, 2012

'Oddities' Visits Austin

The Science Channel show unwraps some weirdness at Richard Garriott's place

TELEVISION: June 9, 2012

'Oddities' Visits Austin

The Science Channel show unwraps some weirdness at Richard Garriott's place

October 24, 2009

Return to the House of Torment

Heading back into the nation's number five Halloween attraction

January 3, 2009

First Night Remembered

Footage from the New Year's Eve artistic spectacular

December 29, 2008

37th by Night

The famous Christmas illuminations burn on

November 7, 2008

Halloween in November

House of Torment reopens for extra frights

October 29, 2008

Between Witkin and Seuss

House of Torment artistic director explains his artistic influences

October 28, 2008

Who is Mr. Creep?

How an Austin horror icon began: Behind the scenes at the House of Torment