Bitch Is in the Eye of the Beholder

RECEIVED Thu., Oct. 2, 2008

Dear Editor,
    In response to Gregory D. Solcher's letter [Postmarks, Sept. 26], why would anyone be scared of Sarah Palin? As far as I know, no one doubts that Barack Obama loves his wife, but one could question John McCain and his stand on the sanctity of marriage after he cheated on his first wife (who stuck by him during his imprisonment) with a beer millionairess. Cute maybe, but not someone that would cause a double take. Smart? Not so anyone would notice by anything she has said or done. Funny? I bet that bit about pit bulls kills at the Rotary Club. Knowing the risk of having a child in her 40s increased the chances of birth defects, and disregarding science and facts was a selfish decision, but I'm sure Palin will pay for the cost of her child's special needs. Blue-collar workers are leftist too, or is history something Palin supporters reject as well? Just who was the coward remark meant for, as more Democrats have children, siblings, and mates in Iraq than Republicans? I know of no politician that supports arming criminals, just regulating firearm possession. She raised funds for indicted Sen. Ted Stevens and campaigned on getting the pork for the bridge to nowhere. Nowhere in the Constitution is there a religious test for holding office. Bitch is in the eye of the beholder. Polls are popularity contests, just ask Al Gore about winning the popular vote.
Charles Waldrep
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