The Austin Chronicle

Every Day Is Dress-Up Day

By Brynn McIntosh and Iana Witham, August 2, 2002, Features

Theme Days, Dances, & Other Special Events

While the Griffin School kids don't need an excuse to dress up, kids at other schools might. Here's a list of theme days you might consider proposing at your school (and the accoutrements necessary to pull off each concept).

Pirate Day Eye patches, swords, jagged-cut pants, black-and-white stripes

Day of the Dead Wear your regular clothes but paint your skin really white, and make your head look like a skull, or just be a zombie

Ghost Day A sheet (eyeholes OK)

Eighties Hair Band Day Giant wigs, tight pants, animal prints, make-up (guys especially)

Eighties (or Any Decade) Day For the Eighties: off-center clothing, back-combed/colorful hair, lots of leather, reversible Converse, polka dots, lace, skinny ties, buttons, lots of jewelry ... or you could just wear a suit and be a yuppie

Superhero Day Capes, bright colors (or black only), masks

Pimps & Hoes Day Girls: short skirts, too much make-up; Boys: flamboyant suits, big hats with feathers, and canes

Girl Day Girls: no change, dress as you usually do; Boys: skirts, hip-huggers, or minishorts with bare midriffs or 3/4 sleeves

Drag Day Wear clothes the opposite gender would typically wear, or dress up like a famous drag queen (i.e., Hedwig)

Scottish Day Kilts/plaid skirts, maybe some blue-Braveheart make-up

Raver Day Sideways cap, large pants (UFOs a plus); Boys: button-down white shirt; Girls: anything that shows your midriff. And lots and lots of "kandy"

Farmer Day Blue jeans (overalls a plus!), checkered shirts, no shoes, cowboy/straw hats

Biker Day Helmets, fake tattoos, leather (motorcycles a plus, but probably not allowed in the building)

Thundercat Day Assorted weapons, giant cat costume

Blue (or Any Color) Day Wear anything and everything that is that color, put eyeliner on your eyebrows!

Hobo Day Finally, a legitimate reason to wear dirty clothes! Ripped/dirty clothes, dirty face, messy hair, a stick with a little polka-dot sack on the end, sad clown make-up

Blade Runner Day Futuristic mumbo jumbo, lots of gray and silver, anything plastic, glitter, tattered clothes, weird suits, scary boots

Warhol Day Paint your skin (perhaps just your face) pink or green or some bright color and spray your hair (unless it's already dyed) with some colored hair spray that's a contrasting color to your face. Wear some red or blue lipstick and bright contrasting eye shadow. If you have a twin, you could both be different color schemes and stand next to each other all day.

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