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  • Arts

    Visual Arts

    Atelier Dojo: Remote Studios

    The local powerhouse of figurative painting, the art school that's the smart school for artists of all kinds, they've got a painting-along-at-home series going to help you keep your skills honed in these socially restrictive times, featuring live costumed models posing on camera and a thriving community of creatives rendering that lovely human biotecture from their separate studios. "Join us for a three-hour costumed-model drawing session. Use any supplies you wish, listen to music, share your work, chat with others. It’s a great way to stay connected with your art community!"
    Tuesdays, 1:30-4:30pm; Fridays, 6:30-9:30pm; Saturdays, 9:30-12:30pm. $5.  
  • Community


    Epilepsy Support Group

    Listen to the experiences of other people with epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Tuesdays are for family group, and Wednesday is for adults.
    Second Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 7pm. Free.  
    Online via Zoom
  • Community


    Napoleon Dynamite Live 20th Anniversary (2004)

    Listen, you’re either a wonderful person who loves Napoleon Dynamite, or you don’t like it and I doubt all your life choices. There’s not a lot of middle ground when it comes to this mid-Aughts masterpiece. The only surprising thing is that it’s been 20 years, and you’re old. But never too old to enjoy a night of Tina and tots with a trusty trio of stars. That’s right, Napoleon himself (Jon Heder) will be here with Uncle Rico (Jon Gries) and Pedro (Efren Ramirez) to dish on too-hot heads and throwing that football over them mountains. Watch the movie and party with the stars at the Paramount. Speaking as someone who’s toured all the filming spots in Preston, Idaho, trust me. This is gonna be good.: – Cat McCarrey
    Thu., Sept. 12
  • Qmmunity


    PFLAG Monthly Meeting: South Austin

    Need a place to be? PFLAG's monthly meetings invite everyone from teens to senior citizens to join the discussion, or just listen and snack. As always, they like to keep things confidential.
    Every second Thur. of the month. Free.

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