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  • Arts

    Visual Arts

    Atelier Dojo: Remote Studios

    The local powerhouse of figurative painting, the art school that's the smart school for artists of all kinds, they've got a painting-along-at-home series going to help you keep your skills honed in these socially restrictive times, featuring live costumed models posing on camera and a thriving community of creatives rendering that lovely human biotecture from their separate studios. "Join us for a three-hour costumed-model drawing session. Use any supplies you wish, listen to music, share your work, chat with others. It’s a great way to stay connected with your art community!"
    Tuesdays, 1:30-4:30pm; Fridays, 6:30-9:30pm; Saturdays, 9:30-12:30pm. $5.  
  • Community


    I Love the 1990s Trivia

    Anyone else ever watch the ol’ VH1 “I Love The” series? My knowledge of previous decades comes almost entirely from those shows with their comedian talking heads and tasteless jokes about celebrity tragedies. Delve into that nostalgic knowledge hole for this trivia night – hosted on Nineties icon Pamela Anderson’s birthday by Get It Games. In tribute to our favorite blonde bedhead babe, draw your eyebrows as thin as possible and wear a nude lip – oh, and bring a maximum of six friends for your team. – James Scott
    Mon., July 1
  • Community


    Splash Dance! With Erica Nix

    The host herself – Erica Nix, star of screen, sweating, and shows in MASS Gallery’s yard – warns that this pool party sells out quick. That means if you’re interested in getting wild and weird in the water, if you’re a real aqua aerobics all-star, if you love to get really really wet, then don’t spend another second reading this event listing! Jump on that wheezing ol’ laptop of yours and log on to Austin Motel dot com to claim your spot. If you’re too slow, well. Lucky you this is an every-Sunday type of deal. – James Scott
  • Film

    Special Screenings

    The Bodyguard (1992)

    Do you remember where you were when you heard the unconscionable clarity of Whitney Houston’s voice when she sang the most iconic two syllables in pop music (“And I…”)? I don’t remember where I was, but I remember what happened. At my big age of about 6 years old, I was absolutely in love with Whitney Houston. Those two notes rang out of the tiny car speakers of my dad’s white Chevrolet Caprice. There was the moment of silence, then the most powerful voice ever conceived proclaimed “I am” on a remake (that I didn’t know was a remake at the time) about love lost but never forgotten. That feeling when a shiver takes hold of your spine and won’t let go for long minutes: That’s what happened to me. Some 32 years later, the song still holds my nervous system captive. It was only a matter of time before Paramount’s ode to 50 years of classic film viewings got to Whitney. – Cy White
    Tue., July 2
  • Qmmunity

    Nightlife & Parties

    The Drag Queen Game Show

    Come on down, potential contestants, for the draggiest game show in all of Austin. Hosted by the terrific twosome of Celia Light and Mars, this interactive event pulls its audience into myriad mini-games based around a different theme every Tuesday. Enjoy games like trivia, speed dating, and Boobie Bingo. Whether you stumble in after a movie or go for the love of the game, this party will bring all the fabulous prizes your heart desires – like a drag queen ribbing you. Wait, is that not what everybody wants? – James Scott
    Tuesdays, 8-10pm

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