The Austin Chronicle

"Bike Like U Mean it"

Not rated, 46 min. Directed by Rusty Martin, Susan Kirr.

REVIEWED By Marjorie Baumgarten, Tue., April 30, 2002

Local filmmakers Rusty Martin and Susan Kirr's documentary is a thorough, even touching, study of Austin's vibrant bicycle community. The film covers the entire cycling scene, including the successful Yellow Bike Project, APD's attempted crackdown on Critical Mass, Amy Babich's incessant, anti-car letter-writing campaign, and the inherent hazards of sharing the road with cars. This short film will likely succeed in making viewers question their transportation choices and consider the environmental and personal consequences thereof. Martin and Kirr have made this doc like they mean it, making Bike Like U Mean It a must-see for anyone remotely interested in local bike culture. ñ Mark Fagan

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