The Austin Chronicle

Nosferatu With Live Musical Accompaniment by Brown Whörnet

Not rated, 84 min. Directed by F.W. Murnau. Starring Max Schreck, Alexander Granach, Greta Schroeder, Gustav Von Wagenheim.

REVIEWED By Marjorie Baumgarten, Tue., March 13, 2001

In the realm of vampire films, this 1922 silent is the original motherlode. No one since has matched vampire Max Schreck's creepy loathsomeness. Director Murnau's German Expressionistic compositional touches delineate the story's visceral drama. Austin's macabre Brown Whörnet will perform live musical accompaniment. Monday through Wednesday Nosferatu is part of a double bill that opens at 9:15pm with Shadow of the Vampire (reviewed in Film Listings). On Thursday, Nosferatu is triple-billed with Shadow of the Vampire and a midnight screening of Andy Warhol's Dracula.

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