The Austin Chronicle

The Devil-Doll

Not rated, 79 min. Directed by Tod Browning. Starring Lionel Barrymore, Maureen O'Sullivan, Frank Lawton, Robert Greig, Lucy Beaumont.

REVIEWED By Marjorie Baumgarten, Thu., Jan. 6, 2000

In this seriously creepy horror movie, Barrymore stars as a Devil's Island escapee who takes revenge on the three men who framed him by shrinking human beings to the size of dolls and forcing them to do his evil bidding. And you thought Chucky was one crazy doll; he's just one in a long cinematic line of killer dolls. The film is directed by Freaks auteur Tod Browning and co-scripted by Greed's baroque genius Erich von Stroheim. It also features the great Lionel Barrymore in drag.

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