The Austin Chronicle

Sim Butterfly, Real Fun

By Richard Whittaker, March 12, 2007, 10:47am, SXSW

While the crowds at the Screenburn Arcade were obviously drawn by the pimped-out Yaris games-mobiles, and or pit their talents against all-female pro-gamers the Frag Dolls, they were also looking for cool kit. Hands down that still went to Shadow Garden, an interactive projection game where your shadow is the controller. Created by local IT genius Zach Simpson, it's more intuitive than a Wii-mote, and a better interface than Vista. there were cues of kids, teens and adults wanting to spend time crushing the color out of sim-sand, or attracting virtual butterflies.

If you missed it, it's part of the the Austin Children's Museum permanent collection, about five minutes walk from the ACC.

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