The Austin Chronicle

Bigger, Badder ... Couchier? ATX TV Expands for Second Virtual Year

By Richard Whittaker, March 4, 2021, 10:00am, Picture in Picture

It's time for some appointment viewing and virtual water cooler conversations: ATX TV Festival will be back for another round of virtual programming this summer, and it's bigger than ever.

For most of its 10-year history the celebration of broadcast and streaming watching has basically run a long weekend, but last year the fest had to make the tough decision to go virtual, and ran the reduced ATX ... From the Couch! as a (still fun) stop gap. Sadly, the pandemic doesn't show any sign of abating and allowing in-person events by midsummer, so ATX is still coming straight to your home. Not only that, but this year the second virtual event will last a whole 10 days, June 11-20.

As always, the fest will be a launching pad for new shows, but there are also the retrospectives: plus, the team are working to see which rescheduled panels from last year can be transferred to this year's line-up, and which are best saved for the next time everyone can gather in-person.

Festival badges cost $150 for the whole extravaganza, or $25 for a day pass. If you just want to watch a single event, that's only a bargainous 12 bucks.

The team are keeping this year's line-up under their hats until April, but promise that it will be the same mix of classic, contemporary, and coming soon schedule that has been their métier. Before then, on March 5, they'll be announced the semi-finalists for this year's iteration of the Pitch Competition. Presented in partnership with Final Draft Inc., the Black List, and the Sundance Institute's Episodic Program, it allows new writers to get their original series idea in front of industry professionals and potential mentors.

But wait, you say. TV lasts all year, and 10 days is great, but what about the other 355? Well, add the new Virtual Membership Program to your list of subscriptions. The new program will be available for $300 for the year for early access members starting April 1, and includes access to TV watch clubs, as well as exclusive panels, Q&As, webinars, and happy hours with the ATX TV staff, plus a festival badge and discounts on ATX TV merch.

Watch out for further announcements at

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