The Austin Chronicle

RTX Gets Twitchy

By Richard Whittaker, May 17, 2017, 9:00am, Picture in Picture

This just in from the desk of chocolate in your peanut butter: RTX, the gaming culture celebration from local online content powerhouse Rooster Teeth, will team up with gaming streaming service Twitch.

This morning, the two tech/culture innovators confirmed that Twitch will be carrying the livestream of all the center-stage programming from RTX (July 7-9) at, with details of additional online programming to come. Twitch VP of Global Partnerships John Howell called the partnership "a no-brainer," while Rooster Teeth co-founder and RTX Executive Producer Gus Sorola said he was "especially proud to make gaming and internet culture more accessible and more interactive for fans."

The announcement comes with a new round of programming and guests, including the talents behind YouTube's Smosh Games channel, the bizarre gaming reality of Mega64, pop-culture analysts Kinda Funny, and more.

This comes after the convention had already announced a big musical guest, with electro-rockers Phantogram playing under the Rooster Teeth banner at Stubb's on July 8. RTX has often had a musical component, whether it be a straightforward concert like Barenaked Ladies in 2015, or performances of show scores from Rooster Teeth's own roster. For this year, RTX Director of Events Bethany Feinstein said, "I wanted a headliner that would get people excited. That’s Phantogram. Their catalog is dynamic and original. Their dance songs will get people moving and the slower, more ethereal songs will speak to our audience in a deeper way."

RTX Austin runs July 7-9 at the Austin Convention Center, Hilton Austin, Hilton, and JW Marriott. Single day and weekend tickets at

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