The Austin Chronicle

Find Your Home for the Holidays Online

By Monica Riese, November 25, 2013, 12:00pm, Picture in Picture

Reddit has a reputation for being full of passive-aggressive commenters, angry rants, and creepy loners, but the fact of the matter is, it's a complete community just like any other social network.

Exhibit A? A thread in r/Austin this weekend that offered to give folks with nowhere else to go on Thanksgiving a place to feast among e-friends.

User mars357 made a post Sunday titled "Looking for someplace to spend Thanksgiving?" that has garnered more than 200 upvotes and 25 comments of (mostly) support and gratitude.

"We open our home each year to people, who like us are unable to join family for Thanksgiving," mars357 wrote. "There will be 40+ people here so it will be crazy. Good food, good people... If you need a place to spend the day, you could do worse…"

In the comments below, there was an outpouring of "You rock" and "people like you make the world a better place," not unlike the thread in October that helped a hospitalized 10-year-old's mom get the perfect Halloween costume together. Of course, not everyone was completely sold.

"Not gonna wake up in a tub of ice, will I?" joked Evil_Bonsai … before offering to bring cash or a dish to share. The gracious host teased back: "[W]e met our quota for kidneys back in August (good year!)"

Generous hosts with a sense of humor? Now that's something to be thankful for.

UPDATE:: At least two other threads are elsewhere on the r/Austin forum trying to get pseudo families together for Thanksgiving (and maybe some gaming).

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