The Austin Chronicle

AFF Announces Audience Award Winners

By Kimberley Jones, November 5, 2009, 11:47am, Picture in Picture

In what is presumably its last order of business for the 2009 fest, the Austin Film Festival just announced its audience award winners. The envelopes, please...

Out of Competition Audience Award Winner: Up in the Air (Writers: Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner; Director: Jason Reitman)

Comedy Vanguard Audience Award Winner: Herpes Boy (Writer: Byron Lane; Director: Nathaniel Atcheson)

Narrative Feature Competition Audience Award Winner: Happy Ending (Writer/Director: Atsuhiro Yamada)

Documentary Feature Competition Audience Award Co-Winners: My Run (Director: Tim VandeSteeg) & Torey's Distraction (Director: Tisha Blood)

Narrative Short Audience Award Winner: "Love Bug" (Writer/Director: Kat Candler)

Narrative Student Short Audience Award Winner: "Adelaide" (Writer/Director: Liliana Greenfield-Sanders)

Documentary Short Audience Award Winner: "Mr. Okra" (Director: T.G. Herrington)

Animated Short Audience Award Winner: "The Incident at Tower 37" (Director: Chris Perry)

If this is all making you kind of misty-eyed, don't worry: AFF has also set the dates for next year's festival and conference for Oct. 21-28, 2010. You can even purchase a badge right now at

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