The Austin Chronicle

This Week's Waste of Time

By James Renovitch, October 22, 2009, 11:17am, Picture in Picture

Still slightly hungover from our SXSW/Chronicle gaming extravaganza last Thursday, I'm going to attempt to make up for lost time with two wastes of time this week. One online game has an old-school vibe and the other is more timely. But not too timely.

Both of this week's games show off the talents of their creator Tyler Glaiel, who helped create our last internet browser game, Aether. He creates free games in his spare time, and it's a shame he can't do it full time because he has a knack for original titles that are often as fun to play as they are to look at.

First is a simple retro game, Classic Snake, that is a slight variation on the light cycle games of yore. You control a snake that eats small blips which in turn adds segments to the reptile's body. Stay away from the walls and your own body, because one bite equals game over. The childlike graphics and repetitive soundtrack are note-perfect for the short game. One player can be challenging if sometimes little boring (like early levels of Tetris). Have a friend join you and the game becomes a combination of a game of chicken and Noby Noby Boy.

It will likely be hard to imagine that Closure was made by the same person. The game's soundtrack is nonexistent but for some ambient spooky noises. Just in time for Halloween the game uses light as a tool to complete levels that involve getting from point A to B. Basically if you can't see the wall, it isn't there, and you can walk though it. Same goes for the floor as well, so watch your step. Carrying a light with you might keep you safe but it will only make the obstacles in your way more apparent (and solid). The trick is to find the right place for the lights that alter the level so your anxious protagonist won't fall to his doom.

Click here for Classic Snake.

And here for Closure. (The load time is a bit lengthy for this one.)


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