The Austin Chronicle

Our Parting: Surprisingly Lacking in Sorrow

By Kimberley Jones, August 22, 2008, 2:39pm, Picture in Picture

I dodged your earlier question of Branagh vs. Olivier; I think I'd rather circle option C – Orson Welles. Only his Othello is widely available (although Chimes at Midnight and Macbeth are both posted on YouTube); so why not celebrate the Big Boy Orson tonight by watching The Third Man on Turner Classic Movies? That's what I'll be doing, reveling not just in one of the greatest films of all time, but also the fact that not once does anybody bust out in verse.

So this is me saying sayonara to Shakespeare. Dear reader, you can still vote and comment on every day's debate through till next Thursday. We close voting next Thursday, and then we'll announce the winner of Film Fight at our Happy Hour event at Spider House that night (Thursday, Aug. 28, 7:30pm). There will be prize giveaways and drink specials and an all-around good time to be had, so please, come out and say hi.

And let us know if you have any ideas for next month's Film Fight, eh? We're all ears.

Now for a little exit music...

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