The Austin Chronicle

10 Grand Buys a Lot of Hope

By Kimberley Jones, July 2, 2008, 1:37pm, Picture in Picture

The Doorstop Film Project recently sponsored phase one of a short film contest – in which filmmakers tackled such lofty topics as "Love, Freedom, Pain, Energy, Redemption, Greed, or Forgiveness" – and turns out "Freedom" freed some creative firepower from Austinite Jeff Guerrero.

Guerrero was recently announced as one of only 15 finalists for the competition, which comes with a $10,000 check and a commission to make a second film, this time on the topic of Hope.

Want to show your support? Check out "Therapy," Guerrero's funny, sweet short (in which he also acts), over at Doorpost and let them know what you think.

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