The Austin Chronicle

Sony Bags 'Baghead'

By Joe O'Connell, January 25, 2008, 2:55pm, Picture in Picture

Score one for mumblecore. Perhaps riding the past year's wave of quirky, talky, low-budget films championed at last year's South by Southwest Film Festival, Sony Pictures Classics snapped up distribution rights to Mark and Jay Duplass' Baghead after its Sundance Film Festival showing. The Hollywood Reporter puts the deal in the "low to mid six figures." The brothers and former Austinites also had solid cred after The Puffy Chair, which also screened at Sundance, earned an Film Independent Spirit Award nomination for them as "someone to watch."

But crediting it to mumbecore – Baghead stars Greta Gerwig who joined Mark in the cast of Hannah Takes the Stairs, the buzz mumblecore film of SXSW 07 – is to ignore that Baghead is getting solid praise for its odd comedic references to what it is to be a budding artist paired with a scary take on the slasher genre. The story: Four wannabe actors go out into the woods and are menaced by a guy wearing a paper bag on his head. I can't wait to see it. I'm betting at SXSW?

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